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Two New Feel Good Family Friendly Series You’ll Want to Watch


Growing up I always loved to watch shows about animals.  They always intrigued me.  Now you can enjoy two great shows with your family. Trailers and info are below.

Both shows are in the category of feel-good series that many folks need right now. 

  • NBC’s Wild Kingdom which has garnered multiple Emmy noms and ranks as the #1 weekend wildlife show on tv 
  • CBS’s Extraordinary World, that’s hosted by the renowned, Jeff Corwin, who has won multiple Emmy awards for his work in wildlife/nature television.

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Extraordinary World with Jeff Corwin celebrates everyday heroes and highlights extraordinary efforts to protect vulnerable people and animals everywhere. Join the journey to see how small acts of compassion can create meaning impacts on local communities and the world. Presented by The Brady Hunter Foundation. As co-star and The Brady Hunter Foundation founder, 




Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, with hosts Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant and Peter Gros, returns to showcase incredible animal conservation stories across the U.S. and the people working to protect them. After its debut season in 2023 which garnered the show 4 Daytime Emmy nominations and ranked as the #1 weekend wildlife show on tv, the iconic show’s return on NBC was met with much acclaim similar to when the show originally began 60 years ago. 


