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Coping with a Breakup from a Live-in Partner

Breaking up with someone is never easy, but when you have been in a long-term partnership and have been sharing a home with that person its even harder. You may have even stayed in the relationship longer than you should have because of your living situation which can make things more complicated. If you have recently split from your live-in partner and are not sure what to do or where to go, here are some tips that might help you get through this tough time a little easier. 

Get Some Space

After any breakup, its important to get space from your ex. You need time to grieve the relationship, and that cant be done properly if theyre still hanging around. This doesnt mean you cant both be friends in the future if this is something you both want, but it will take time to adjust to this new dynamic between the two of you. Ask if you can stay with a friend or relative temporarily until new living arrangements can be organized to create some physical space between you. 

Start Looking for a New Place ASAP

Its best to start getting that space as soon as you can, so dont wait to look for temporary accommodation. If you are going to move out of the home you shared with your ex, you shouldnt drag that process out either. Whether it was an amicable split or not, leaving your belongings there and having to go back and forth is not an ideal situation and wont be good for either of you. Its important to find a new home where you can start fresh and be happy, so dont feel pressured to take the first available apartment you see, but keep in mind that the sooner you have moved out, the sooner you can start moving on. You can even hire same day movers to help you speed up the process when you have found a new place to live.

Settle Any Financial Debts You Have Together

This might be a more complicated process, but if you owe your ex money or you have joint debts try your best to pay this off as quickly as you can. If you have split up on good terms, you dont want financial issues to cause tension and destroy the chance of a future friendship. However, if things didnt end on a good note, and your ex owes you money or you have been left with debts that they are refusing to pay their share of, you might have to look into legal support to resolve this.

Practice Self-care

It doesnt matter if your breakup was amicable or not, there will still be a moment where youre going to feel sad about the end of your relationship. This is why practicing some good self-care is essential in getting through a breakup. Spend time with family and friends, find a new hobby to enjoy, or figure out what you want to do next with your life – a career change? Travel plans? Whatever it is, this is the time to focus on you.

Its never easy ending a relationship, especially if you have shared a home with someone as this is a very intimate thing to do. If youre currently going through this or know someone who is, consider the tips above and see if they can help.

Photo by Vera Arsic from Pexels

