I received a beautiful arrangement from Teleflora titled Flurry of Elegance. This arrangement is stunning and the perfect centerpiece for any area of my home. It makes a wonderful gift to send to loved ones you won’t be able to see during the holidays, and even those you will.
The first thing that caught my eye about this arrangement is the beautiful snowflake vase it is in. It is so elegant and perfect for using all Winter long. I decorate with a lot of snowmen and snowflakes and this works perfectly into my decor and any decoration theme.
Another thing that I love about my arrangement is that the florist added beautiful evergreen and pine cone accents to my arrangement, which give it a wonderful holiday touch.
There are so many beautiful, fresh flowers in my arrangement. It is fragrant and adds so much beauty to my home.
I often use Telaflira for out of town relatives on spebial occasions . The flowers are always on time and fresh and they are a welcome gift.
ReplyDeleteI just love their Christmas bouquets. The ones that look like mini Christmas trees are my favorites.