When a home’s functions are properly optimized, homeowners can expect to see a drastic improvement in their overall quality of life, as well as a substantial reduction in costs. From your HVAC system to your attic insulation, here is a breakdown on how to go about checking (and enhancing) your home’s performance.
HVAC system
Don’t wait until your HVAC system starts giving problems. By regularly checking its performance, you can remedy any underlying issues before they present any sizeable and expensive complications. According to moncriefair.com, trusted HVAC specialists, there are three main HVAC performance tests that every homeowner should be conducting. These include:
• Energy Efficiency Testing: This test investigates how much energy your HVAC is using.
• Acoustical and Airflow Testing: This test checks the airflow inside your home to ensure that the HVAC system is functioning optimally.
• Air Cleaner Testing: This test determines the effectiveness of the system's air filter or cleaner.
While it is possible to conduct some of these tests yourself, it is advisable to contact a professional for assistance. Not only will the professionals be able to promise more accurate results, but they will also be able to remedy any problems that the tests may uncover swiftly.
Attic insulation
You can check on your attic’s insulation levels by noting whether or not you are able to see any of the floor joists. If you are unable to see them because the insulation is above them, you probably don’t have anything to worry about. However, if the floor joists are level with or above the insulation, it is very likely that you will need to add more. In the latter instance, it is advisable to get hold of the experts. This is due to the fact that there are many different types of attic insulation, including fiberglass and vermiculite (which may contain traces of harmful asbestos), and you will need to match the new with the old.
Air leaks
Air leaks within the home can lead to sky-high energy bills. Begin your home inspection by looking for any visual signs that an air leak may be present. It’s a good idea to check for leak points both inside and outside the house. Pay special attention to corners, where siding and chimneys meet, electrical outlets, and door and window frames.
If you don’t come across any obvious gaps, there are three main DIY air leak tests to perform, namely the DIY light test, the DIY paper test, and the DIY smoke test. The DIY light test is arguably the easiest and most effective. It must be performed at night and with the help of a friend or relative. Simply shine a strong source of light, such as a flashlight, into any areas where potential air leakage is suspected, while the other person observes from outside. If any light shines through, you then know for sure that you have a leak. Seal as needed.
Here's to a better functioning home and a much cheaper energy bill going forward!
Our HVAC system went out over the summer. But it was probably about 30 years old.