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The Way You Eat Your Chocolate Bunny Says a Lot About You

I was reading an entertaining article from that I found interesting and fun, and thought I would share it with you.  Apparently, the way you eat your Easter bunny says a lot about you.  Let me know if you agree with your results. Head over to my Facebook pinned post at to enter my fun contest which ends 4.7.19

Ears First:
If you’re the kind of person who nibbles on the ears first, you’re a practical organized and traditional person who values security and you’re extremely loyal.  You might be a little impatient at times but everyone loves you!

Tail First:
If you start with the chocolate tail, you’re the type that usually takes the road less traveled. But don’t think it’s because you’re an innovator, because you usually don’t like people knowing just what you’re up to.  You’re a bit cautious and maybe a little sneaky!

Biting or Snapping Off Rabbit Head:
You’re restless, independent and always on the go, and being a go-getter, you like to get the job done.  You also have a sparkling personality and make friends easily.

Smelling It First:
If you tend to smell the chocolate rabbit before taking a bite, more than likely you’re a bit cautious.  You also tend to have high standards and you’re a very detail oriented person.  You’re also polite, very well mannered and you hold back, because you don’t want others to see that you’re also a bit odd!

Smashing the Bunny:
You’d think anyone who’d smash a chocolate bunny to bits would rate right up there with a serial killer, but in fact, you’re just filled with lots of ambition and enthusiasm.  You’re “just do it” attitude is how you live your life.  You’re also a bit unpredictable, and keep others around you always guessing.

Go In Feet First:
If you eat the chocolate bunny paws first, it’s not so much because you’re trying to gain some “rabbit foot” luck, but rather you’re a caring and nurturing type of person, who also needs constant assurance that you are loved back.  Your insecurity causes you to fear being taken for granted or taken advantage of, thus clinging, or in the case of eating the feet first, “hobbling” things so they won’t get away.

Breaking Bunny In Half:
Breaking the chocolate bunny in half is pretty much how you live life, “half full” being a bit skeptical or pessimistic about things.  However you have a purpose in life, of making others feel like they have it better.  This is not necessarily a bad thing, you like being a pessimist, and some find your pessimism a bit humorous.

What part of the chocolate bunny do you eat first?


  1. I eat ears first. Totally accurate Hahaha! ! 😂 I can be very impatient especially at work. I need to be working fast fast fast so when I'm waiting for my computer to catch up with me, I tend to be impatient!

  2. I eat the the Ears first, I value security and am extremely loyal.

  3. Ears first usually and I don’t really agree because I am not practical or organized or even very traditional...I think I only eat them first because they stick out and are easiest to get at to nibble.

  4. Ears first, and this is totally my personality! This was a cute read! :-)

  5. I would say ears first. I did experience my husband one year crack the bunny up and I was shocked. 😂 He just said it would be easier for all of us to eat it. This was a huge bunny.

  6. Definitely true an i bite or break the head off

  7. Ears first! Organized and impatient, yup! Lol

  8. Ears first then make my way down to his feet ��

  9. We actually freeze ours to melt them later for chocolate covered frozen bananas. Amber Azelton

  10. I bite it's head off.. everytime! lol

  11. always bite the ears off first, my kids even do that

  12. I don't eat the chocolate bunny add I'm allergic to chocolate. Lol however before I developed the allergy it was always eats first. It sounds about right but I think it depends throughout the years as our lives change.

  13. Love this!!!! I always start with the ears first and work my way down...…

  14. I start at the ears and work my way down, unless the eyes are made of white chocolate. Then I eat the eyes first.

  15. I always eat the ears first. This is hilarious and I agree with the results!

  16. I snap off the head first, then I put the rest away for later.

  17. Ears first for me: values security and you’re extremely loyal. Yes.

  18. I like snapping off the rabbits head first!

  19. I eat the candy eyes first, then the ears!

  20. I eat the ears first and the result has just shocked me ! So true !

  21. I eat the ears first :) It just makes sense !
    elle beck

  22. I eat the ears first!! So true :)

  23. I go feet first. I can't bear to eat the poor head right off!

  24. I go ears first... Dipped in pb!!

  25. I start at the ear and work my way down telling the poor bunny goodbye I wish I had more of you. 😆 🐰 🐰. 😋. Love chocolate 🐰.

  26. ears have always been eaten first by me! lol

  27. I usually eat the ears first unless it's hollow, and then I start at the feet!

  28. I take the eyes and eat them first. Then I do the ears next.

  29. I totally neat the ears first, then the feet, and then the body. YUM!

  30. I eat the ears first, I always have. I would say that it's pretty accurate. I am very impatient and I try my best to stay organized!

  31. Ears first, I agree that I am very lovable. haha

  32. I like to eat the ears first, but my little girl is a Biting or Snapping Off Rabbit Head first, and I think they are right on.

  33. Smashing the Bunny for me, accurate!

  34. I eat ears first, and I agree it's the way of practical people. It's the thinnest part and easiest to bite into!

  35. I eat ears first, and I agree it's the way of practical people. It's the thinnest part and easiest to bite into!

  36. I'm going after the ears first, lol. I mean they're sticking up there, begging to be eaten.

  37. This was so cool to read! It really made sense with how each of my family members eats their bunny!


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