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DeClutter Your New Year

It's time to start the new year off on the right foot, and for me that includes getting rid of the clutter!

My son is moving out in a couple of weeks and along with that is going to be a lot of home purging here. 

I decided to make a DeCluttering Chart for each room in my home.  This is a great way to get things in order in a more productive and organized way.

Step 1 - Clear Those Surfaces

  • Floor- Pick things up off of the floor
  • Tables and Counters- Clear the counters of unnecessary clutter
  • Papers- Sort Papers by throwing out unnecessary ones and organizing important ones in binders and folders


  • Counters- clear and clean off counters
  • Refrigerator- clean out the refrigerator
  • Freezer- throw expired food out from freezer
  • Cabinets- Declutter and reorganize cabinets
  • Drawers- Clean out junk drawers and reorganize all other drawers
  • Pantry- Check dates on all food items and reorganize with tallest products in back
  • Tools and Appliances- Inspect all and purge or donate those you don't use or want
  • Sinks- Clear clutter from under the sink and reorganize
  • Towels- Inspect all kitchen towels and replace those in poor condition

  • Counters- clear and clean all counters and surfaces
  • Cabinets- Clean out cabinets, check for expired and unused items and toss
  • Drawers- Inspect all items and toss those you don't need or that are in poor condition
  • Medicine Cabinet- Check expiration dates and reorganize
  • Makeup and Toiletries- Check dates and condition. Get rid of old and damaged items.
  • Towels, Hand towels and wash cloths- Inspect all and replace those that need it.
  • Cleaning Supplies-  Check dates on your cleaning supplies and take expired ones to necessary recycle centers.  Inspect rags, sponges, brooms and mops.  Get rid of any that are in poor condition.

Laundry Room

  • Fold and Put Away Clothing
  • Inspect Baskets for damage
  • Check detergents and recycle any empty containers
  • Clean off all surfaces

  • Floors- Clear off floors and under beds
  • Sheets- Inspect and clean all sheets and linens
  • Pillows- Inspect pillows and replace those in need
  • Side Tables- clear off and declutter tops and drawers
  • Toys and Books- Inspect all toys and books.  Toss broken ones, donate those that are not used.
  • Clothing - Inspect all clothes for stains and damage.  Throw out those in poor condition and donate those that don't fit, or that you don't use.
  • Shoes- Inspect all heels and condition.  Toss worn out shoes and donate those you don't use.
  • Outerwear - Inspect all coats, jackets and accessories for wear and damage. Throw out those in poor condition and donate those you do not use.


  • Sort through paperwork-  File all previous year papers, shred those you do not need
  • Newspaper and Magazines- Recycle those you do not need. If you are saving a magazine or paper for one article, cut it out and save it in a binder.  Recycle the rest.
  • Mail- Sort through mail.  Shred junk and unnecessary mail.  File other appropriately.

I hope this guide helps you to take back your home and get it in the order you desire for the new year.
