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10 Tips on Creating Relevant Blog Content for any Subject

One of the most important subjects when writing a blog article is keeping your content creation relevant to your blog story and to your niche itself.  This will help keep your audience's attention and help you to stay focused on the point that you are trying to convey to your readers.

More people turn to online search engines and sites for information these days.  So, it is important that you make your content stand out.  It is important to be creative while getting your point across.  If you are a marketer, this would mean that you would really have two jobs to do in your post.  Your first job would be to create relevant content while your second job would be to captivate your audience in a creative way so that you can also have a return on your investment.  Keep that in mind when writing your article.

Here are some content marketing tips , but first here is an example on staying relevant:

If you have a wedding blog, of course all or most of the content on your blog will be about weddings and the events leading up to the big day.  There are a lot of steps that lead up to a marriage.  But even before the marriage takes place, couples have to begin a dating cycle.

Many of your readers are probably not even planning a marriage.  They may not even be dating.  They may be looking at your site as a source of inspiration or longing.  It wouldn't be irrelevant for you to have information about dating on your site.  You may even choose to to write about online dating when you're a single parent.  This type of subject would be relevant because it ties in to your theme.

Of course, more direct subjects like online wedding planning would be a more focused theme for your wedding blog.  But, don't be afraid to take chances and introduce more audience members to your page.  This will be beneficial to you in the long run as those members grow in their relationships.

Here are 10 other tips to help any blog niche be more successful.

1. The first thing you want to do is be clear with what you are trying to convey to your audience.  No one wants to sit and read long drawn out stories.  If they did, they would buy a book.  Keep your story short and to the point.

2.  Be consistent.  Stick to the subject you are writing about.  Don't go off on a tangent trying to fit too many subjects in one post.  It doesn't work.

3. Think of ways to optimize your search engine presence.  Use keywords that will make your story stand out and make it easy for your blog to be discovered in a search engine.  You may want to use keyword search tools like Google Adwords to see which keywords are searched most often in your industry.  A great way to optimize your visitors is to link your content to other pages on your own site.

4. Paint a picture in your reader's mind.  Tell a story that is in your own voice and use that voice to create a clear picture in the mind of your reader.  Make them want to keep reading what you wrote.  The important thing is to keep your reader engaged.  If you are a good story teller, your reader will want to keep coming back to your site to read more.  I personally consider myself an average story teller.  When I take trips I like to write stories about them.  I recently took a trip to North Carolina and wrote a post for my readers.  I wanted them to experience everything I did and feel the excitement and joy I did when I was there.  Think of ways you can do that when you are writing.

5. Don't just write a blog story and log off your computer.  You want to build engagement with your audience. Have a presence on social media channels.  Your readers may want to engage with you.  They may have thoughts, ideas and suggestions that can help your blog grow.  Use that to your advantage.  Not only will it please them, but it will also help you to grow as a writer and maybe even as a person.  I have had many of my readers message me about things I write and ask questions.  I love that. It shows me that they are engaged in what I do.

6. Use photos in your post.  Try to keep them original, but if you can't, there are many sites that provide useful images for your story.  People like to see pictures.  Ask the many cat and dog blog owners out there who have tons of engagement on their site.

Excuse me while I shamelessly plug a picture of my kitty into this story.

Trust me, the majority of those visitors are there to look at the pictures of the pets just as much as they are to read the stories being written about them.  Have you ever heard the term, a picture paints a thousand words?  Think about that.

7. Check out other blogs that are in your niche.  See which blogs are successful and why.  Check out the content of your competitors.  I am not telling you to take their stories and republish them.  That would be terrible.  What I am telling you to do is see what they are doing to make people visit their sites.  Do they have a cleaner look?  Do they take better photos?  Do they have better content?  Do they tell better stories?  Ask yourself these questions.  An even better question to ask yourself while you are there may be, "What do I find captivating about this site?"

8. Listen to your readers.  I touched on this a little earlier in this article.  Your readers are your lifeline.  They are the reason you are doing what you do.  Listen to them.  This can apply to you whether you are marketing or just blogging in general.  If you have several different social media platforms that you are performing on, you need to have eyes on all of those platforms if you want to become or stay successful.  If you can not do it yourself and can afford to, hire someone else to maintain those platforms.  You want your readers to feel engaged, to feel important and to feel relevant.  Use hashtags to help your readers find or write about you. Do whatever it takes to keep them interested in you.

9. Don't be afraid to reintroduce old stories.  There are going to come times in your blogging career that you just draw a complete blank.  You are going to want to write, but just find yourself staring at a blank white page with nothing on it and asking yourself, "What do I write about?"  It happens.  It has happened to me on many occasions.  This is the time that you should be looking at some of your older content that was successful and reintroducing it to your audience with a fresh perspective.

10. Look at the big picture.  You are not going to become an overnight sensation.  You may not even want to.  But you should be focusing on your ultimate goal.  What do you want to accomplish by writing?  How will you get there?  What do you need to get there? Have a plan. Don't just sit down and write.  Your stories don't have to be published overnight.  Take your time, fine tune them.  Be the best writer that you can be.  Then and only then, will you become a success, even if it is only to yourself, because you will know that you put everything you have into what you have done.

If you need more references and help in content marketing, sites like Content Mother can help, They are about to launch their services on social media marketing and management, blogger outreach, content creation and content marketing. Content Mother also operates 15 blogs, 4 of which are Real Life, Real Wedding, Real Blogging (which is currently under construction) and Real Parent.

Disclosure: This post was written by me and is sponsored by Content Mother and Get Blogged.
